Best Time Management Tips and Strategies for CLAT

CLAT, short for Common Law Admission Test, is conducted every year by the Consortium of NLUs to screen candidates for admission to the various National Law Universities in India. The number of candidates appearing for this entrance test is increasing exponentially with each passing year. With the competition increasing, you need to manage your time as best as possible to be able to complete your CLAT papers and crack the examination for good.

Any good CLAT coaching in Kolkata will help you prepare for your CLAT exams by managing your time effectively.

Allot Time for Each Section

This is the first step to efficient utilization of your time. You must allow a specific amount of time for each section. Prime Tutor suggests that you begin your exam by GK, then English, followed by Legal Aptitude, Reasoning, and finally Quantitative Aptitude.

To clear the test with flying colours, you have to be speedy and pre-decide what amount of time you will spend answering each section. During the exam, stick to whatever time you have allotted and move on to the next section even if you couldn’t complete the previous one in time.

This will allow you to make the most of your time and allow you time to answer pending questions.

Fix Time for Every Question

After you have set time for every section, now you need to fix a time limit that you’ll spend on each question. You can try the easier ones first, which will have you enough time left to spend on the tougher questions. But for that, you have to effectively rummage over the question paper before you attempt any question. Effective rummaging of the CLAT question paper is a crucial part of acing the exam.

Don’t Get Stuck in Unknown Questions

Any good CLAT coaching in Kolkata will tell you that every second of the CLAT exam counts. So, you have to utilize your time well if you want to crack the test. A good way to do this is to avoid spending time on questions you do not know the answer to. Just go through your question paper once, mark the question you know the answer to, and move to the next one. This strategy works because following this, you’ll answer all the known questions and you will have enough time left to answer the questions you find difficult.

Understand the Paper in the First Reading

In the exam hall, you’ll not get enough time to go through the question paper as many times as you want. Therefore, you’ll have to comprehend it in the very first reading. Try not to get distracted by what is happening around you. Give your full concentration to the exam paper in hand and be mentally present there. Rummaging through your question paper mindlessly will not help and will simply be a waste of time. Instead, try to grab everything that’s written in the question paper in the very first go.

Avoid Distractions

Try not to get distracted by anything that’s not connected to your exam or your question paper in CLAT. The time will be very limited and wasting your time on useless things will only waste your time. So, do not allow yourself to get distracted. Distractions can be anything, like the candidate sitting next to you to the invigilator of the exam, or the window next to your seat. Just focus on your question paper and answer them swiftly.

Practice Mock Tests

The best CLAT online coaching centres will always stress upon giving mock tests. Practising mock tests will help you give an idea of the actual exam. It will help you gauge yourself. You can get an idea about which sections you are most comfortable in answering and which sections you are finding tough. A mock test will mimic the real exam scenario and practising such tests will not only help you in getting familiar with the exam type but you will also get acquainted with the type of questions of CLAT.


CLAT exam is a time-bound exam where you have to attempt a lot of questions in a short time. Thus managing your time well is of extreme importance to pass this exam with flying colours. Following the above tips will not only help in managing your time well but will also help you get accustomed to the actual exam type. Thus, prepare yourself properly and follow the above time management tips to ace CLAT. For any help or support regarding CLAT, you can always approach us at Prime Tutor for the best guidance.